Since 1999, Exhibit A has provided pre-trial & trial support in more than 2,000 cases.
Scranton, Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

25 years of courtroom experience have given Exhibit A a keen eye for creating succinct presentations. Get the opposition to see and hear your case and arguments together with documents, video interviews, photos, charts, and animations in one complete, compelling package. These ADR multimedia presentations show the opposition how ready you are to go to battle.

PowerPoint presentations are prepared for use during Opening Statements, Closing Arguments and demonstrative exhibits during trial. The most important feature is the ability to show information "a piece at a time" so that the jury sees and hears your points in order.

Using technical drawings and guidance from case experts as reference, Exhibit A utilizes architectural drawing software to create accurate 3D models of buildings and residences. The model can be rotated to show various views. 3D figures and objects can be incorporated into the model to better tell the story. These elements can also be overlaid on photographs.

Exhibit A photography brings the eye of trial experience to the lens of the camera. We will get you that photo that wins your case. Photography of accident scenes, construction sites, personal injuries, etc.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the right video could prove to be invaluable to your case. Exhibit A captures interviews of fact or expert witnesses that are tailor made for your settlement conference. Get the facts and the report in with the impact of your expert's spoken words. In a personal injury or med mal case, "Day in the Life" video provides a dramatic look at how the injury has impacted your client.
High-resolution notebook computers, data projectors and document cameras are deployed in the courtroom to provide high-quality, big-screen viewing for everyone. Award-winning Trial Director software is utilized to display, magnify and highlight trial exhibits. Deposition video or pre-selected clips can also be played back on the big screen. With the addition of monitors, the "publish to the jury" setup becomes a portable high-tech courtroom.